Welcome to CVNC‘s new blog. It’s been a long time coming – so long we suspect the relatively few people we’d told about it basically gave up hope. It is a blog, and it stands apart from the journal that has for nearly a dozen years borne that name. The journal – an edited platform we consider the equivalent of a commercial paper, magazine, or scholarly publication – continues, and it will, we trust, long be a source of current and accurate information about arts events throughout our state plus reviews of selected performances and exhibitions. This blog space is different, for we envision it as a step toward unifying the community by means of quick and easy communications in one convenient place – and a place for general arts commentary. Yes, a CVNCer will write it for a while, and CVNC will maintain it – and moderate it to make sure none of the vitriol – we do expect some of that – gets too, well, vitirolic. Please join in the discussion and feel free to contribute – words, that is – and not necessarily money – but that would be welcome, too, for someone has to pay the bills. (For more on that, please see “Support Us” in CVNC.)
John Lambert