This preview has been provided by Duke University Department of Music.

The Duke Symphony Orchestra presents Musical Shakespeare in Baldwin Auditorium on Wednesday, December 7 at 8:00 p.m. Admission is free.

This concert is the second in a season of Musical Shakespeare (in celebration of the greatest writer’s inspiration in the realm of music during the year of the 400th anniversary of his death.) The concert features faculty and student singers from the Duke Music Department including Susan Dunn, Elizabeth Linnartz, & Sandra Cotton, and members of the Antic Shakespeare Company, directed by Jay O’Berski.


Haydn: Symphony No. 92 in G Major, “Oxford”
Vaughan Williams: Serenade to Music for sixteen soloists and orchestra.
         Words by Shakespeare from The Merchant of Venice.
William Walton: Selections from scores written for Lawrence Olivier’s Shakespeare films
        “Two Pieces for Strings” from Henry V
        “Funeral March” from Hamlet
        “Prelude” and “A Shakespeare Suite” from Richard III.

For more information, call 919-660-3333 or