Word has reached us that Van Quinn, 76, has died in Chapel Hill, following a stroke earlier this week. His academic credentials included Yale and Yale Divinity School. He characterized himself as a liberal Episcopalian, so The Chapel of the Cross was an ideal venue for him. He also served for a time as organist and professor at what is now St. Mary’s School in Raleigh. In Chapel Hill he was an essential ingredient in the music community, and not just in his role at the Chapel: he hosted numerous concerts and recitals and participated in many of them, both at “home” and elsewhere. When he retired several years ago, the occasion truly marked the end of an era; music from that June 11, 2017, service is available here. His Facebook page contains many tributes, and more will surely follow. The formal obit is here.The memorial service will be held at Chapel of the Cross on Saturday, November 2, with a musical prelude at 10:30 AM and service to follow at 11 AM. Meanwhile our hearts go out to his family and his many friends and admirers around the globe.