Former UNC Chapel Hill Chancellor James Moeser has been named Interim Chancellor of the UNC School of the Arts. The UNCSA’s press release is here. Chancellor Moeser is a fine organist so this is a good fit.

Also of note: Composer and NCSU Music Department Head J. Mark Scearce is stepping down from his administrative post after ten years in order to devote more time to writing – specifically, he’ll be working on a new opera, Falling Angel, for the Center for Contemporary Opera, in NYC. He’s more than paid his dues to the arts during his assignment at NCSU, where more than any of his predecessors, some of whom were distinguished academicians, he put his department on the cultural map of our state. Among his many accomplishments was his coordination of the NC Symphony’s anniversary “postcards” program in which new works from composers across our state were given celebratory performances by our state orchestra. That he is staying on as a professor is a blessing.

Here is the announcement: “Dear Friends and Students of Music @ NC State: Several of you have read recently and commented on my opera commission that will keep me busy for the next two years. To enable the time and space in which to gestate this largest work of my career, I have made the difficult decision to step down as Chair of Music effective June 30; with accrued leave my last day will be June 7. The Interim Department Chair will be chosen by Dean Michael Mullen to sit during the next academic year while a national search will be conducted for a permanent replacement. I will remain at NC State, tenured in the College of Design, where I will continue to teach amalgamated courses of my own design in Creative Thinking. It is a new chapter I look forward to while acknowledging all we have accomplished in Music during my decade leading the department. I thank you for understanding the import of this decision and why I must make it. Know that my parting is a personal decision of mine in which I seek to achieve professional goals. Thank you for what you have brought and will continue to bring to Music @ NC State. Gratefully, Dr. J. Mark Scearce, Composer”


We wish these fine artists all the best in their future endeavors. John Lambert