Updated 2/27:

Learn about upcoming Raleigh Arts Plan Community Engagement Week Events, Community Conversations, and take the online survey!

The Raleigh Arts Plan Engagement Week will feature a series of community events throughout Raleigh, enabling citizens to voice their opinions on the future of the arts in Raleigh.

First Friday, March 6, 5:30-8:30pm
Visual Art Exchange | 309 W Martin St, Raleigh
CAM Raleigh | 409 W Martin St, Raleigh
Artspace | 201 E Davie St, Raleigh
311 Gallery | 311 W Martin St, Raleigh
Design Box | 307 W Martin St, Raleigh
The Mahler | 228 Fayetteville St, Raleigh

Saturday, March 7, 12-2pm
Colony Theatre | Colony Shopping Center, 5438 Six Forks Road, Raleigh

Saturday, March 14, 10:30am-12:30pm & 1:30-3:30pm
Marbles Kids Museum | 201 East Hargett Street, Raleigh

Monday, March 9, 6:30-8:30pm
Meymandi Concert Hall Lobby, 2 East South Street, Raleigh

Tuesday, March 10, 6:30-8:30pm

– Marsh Creek Community Center | 3050 N. New Hope Road, Raleigh
– Carolina Pines Community Center | 2305 Lake Wheeler Road, Raleigh

Wednesday, March 11, 6:30-8:30pm
– Greystone Recreation Center | 7713 Lead Mine Road #55, Raleigh
– John Chavis Community Center | 505 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Raleigh

Each community meeting will be hosted by a member of City Council. The community meetings invite attendees to participate in a community art project, engage in small group discussions about current arts interests and issues, [and] network with local artists and members of your community.

For more information visit our website: www.raleighartsplan.com


Here’s the who, what, where, and when about Raleigh’s 10-year arts plan:

What is is the Raleigh Arts Plan?

The City’s Office of Raleigh Arts is leading development of a ten-year master plan to strengthen arts and culture for all of the city’s communities and people. The community shapes this plan, which reflect a shared vision for the cultural future of Raleigh. Goals for the plan include nurturing creativity and opportunities to live creatively throughout the city; growing participation in the arts citywide; encouraging and supporting artists and arts organizations; increasing the economic impact of arts; and amplifying public and private investment in the arts.

Who is involved with the Raleigh Arts Plan?

A successful plan depends on the involvement of citizens from all parts of the City, and the process is designed reach across all geographic and demographic sectors of our community. Vision, ideas, and experience are essential inputs from citizens, including ideas from those interested but not yet engaged in the arts. The project team, in addition to City staff, includes the Cultural Planning Group as lead consultant, and is advised by the Raleigh Arts Plan Steering Committee appointed by City Council.

What are the milestones for the Raleigh Arts Plan?

Phase 1: Project Initiation: Establish the platform for a thorough and well-organized process.

Phase 2: Community Engagement and Research: Convene public workshops, town hall meetings, focus groups, interviews and Community Conversation to gather input from community members.

Phase 3: Plan Development and Adoption: Community participants and city staff review a draft plan and offer revisions at public meetings and through www.RaleighArtsPlan.com. The final draft is presented to City Council for review and adoption.

How can you get involved with the Raleigh Arts Plan?

Visit www.RaleighArtsPlan.com to post ideas, join in a citywide conversation about the arts, and sign-up to receive news and updates about the plan. Hosting Community Conversations is an enjoyable way to get involved and contribute to the plan. These informal discussions are led by community volunteers who choose comfortable settings to gather ideas from friends and colleagues (contact project staff listed below to learn how you can host a Community Conversation). Stay tuned for news regarding the Raleigh Arts Plan Engagement Week in early March, a series of community events throughout Raleigh full of opportunities for you to voice your opinion.

Who can you contact for more information about the Raleigh Arts Plan?

Contact project managers Jerry Bolas (919-996-4685) or Cassie Schumacher-Georgopoulos (919-996-4797) with questions and suggestions, or to learn more about how you can get involved:

(This press release provided by the Office of Raleigh Arts, part of Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources.)