I love this service and was excited to find it in the Triangle. However, we need better reviewers. I just saw The Great Game [Theater Previews at Duke]. It was dreadful yet the reviews just avoid saying anything very positive about the play. Is that how I need to interpret these reviews?
I love theater but am dismayed by the poor quality of the drama presented. The actors were doing their best but the play, lacking an intriguing plot, gave them pedantic boring dialogue and a terribly predictable story line. The poor actors struggled to make it anything but dreadfully boring. Yes, it has beautiful costumes and staging, but it is not a musical. There was no tension between the actors and not one good line. The audience frequently laughed when it should have been poignant.
Please how can we get some decent reviews[?] No wonder the Saturday night show was half full and the applause was polite and brief. Dull, dull, dull.
Victoria Schindler