Outspoken gay performance artist and political activist Tim Miller, one of the funniest men alive, returns to Manbites Dog Theater in Durham, NC, on Sept. 18-21 to perform Us, as part of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell 2003,” Manbites Dog’s 10th annual festival of queer theater and performance. Miller, who is famous for baring all in his ongoing crusade for gay liberation, previously performed Shirts & Skin (1997) and Glory Box (1999) at the Durham theater.

“Tim Miller sings that song of the self which interrogates, with explosive, exploding, subversive joy and freedom, the constitution and borderlines of selfhood,” claims playwright Tony Kushner (Angels in America). “You think you don’t need to hear such singing? You do! You must!”

Tim Miller says, “US is a hilarious and pissed-off exploration of these most American contradictions, as the piece careens from the eight-year-old boy who did stripteases with the musical GYPSY on the record player, to memories of a 10 year old’s plan to flee to Canada to escape the war in Vietnam, to a tongue-in-cheek guide explaining how not to be angry, and a surreal wedding day tug-of-war at the edge of America as the Niagara Falls rushes between Tim’s legs!”

Manbites Dog Theater presents Us Thursday-Saturday, Sept. 18-20, at 8:15 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 21, at 3:15 p.m. at Manbites Dog, 703 Foster St., Durham, North Carolina. $15. 919/682-3343 or http://www.tix.com/Schedule.asp?OrganizationNumber=150 [inactive 5/04]. Manbites Dog: http://www.manbitesdogtheater.org/81/. Tim Miller: http://members.aol.com/millertale/timmiller.html.