Stage and screen actress Laurie Wolf’s encore performance of her autobiographical show, 50! Evolution of a Butch Lesbian, originally scheduled for April 21-24 at Manbites Dog Theater and cancelled because of an injury to Wolf’s hand and wrist, will finally take place Nov. 18-20 and 26-27 as part of Manbites Dog’s Other Voices Series and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell 2005. And tickets are selling like hotcakes!

In describing the show, Manbites Dog has written, “Laurie Wolf turned 50 this year, and celebrated in January with the world premiere of 50! Evolution of a Butch Lesbian, which sold out all performances in record time. Lots of people didn’t get to see it, so we’re bringing it back for four encore performances. 50! Evolution of a Butch Lesbian is a show about sex, death, money, gender confusion, and aging; and if you know Laurie, you know it’s filled with comedy, song, laughter, tears, politics, and love.”

Manbites Dog Theater presents 50! Evolution of a Butch Lesbian Thursday-Saturday, Nov. 18-20, at 8:15 p.m. and Friday-Saturday, Nov. 26-27, at 8:15 p.m. at 703 Foster St., Durham, North Carolina. $15. 919/682-3343 or Manbites Dog Theater: