Emil Kang, the 15-year veteran director of UNC’s performing arts series, is leaving in October to head the arts and cultural heritage section of the Mellon Foundation. See https://mellon.org/resources/news/articles/emil-kang-joins-andrew-w-mellon-foundation-program-director-arts-and-cultural-heritage/

The acting chancellor subsequently announced who will take over while a search is conducted: “We are grateful that James Moeser, chancellor emeritus and professor of music emeritus, has agreed to serve as interim executive and artistic director of Carolina Performing Arts on an interim basis starting September 1. Joining James in ensuring that Arts Everywhere also remains a priority for our campus will be Larry Wheeler, former director of the North Carolina Museum of Art, who will be serving as a part-time consultant to Arts Everywhere and the Ackland Art Museum, leveraging his vast network and knowledge of the visual arts world. Interim Dean Terry Rhodes of the College of Arts & Sciences has agreed to chair a national search for Emil’s successor in the near future.”