Posted as a public service:
Duke Performances 2018/2019 Season
Single tickets for Duke Performances 2018/2019 season — more than 80 performances, running September thru May — are now on sale. $10 Duke student tickets go on sale on Tuesday, August 28.
With the announcement of the 2018/19 season, Duke Performances is making an unprecedented move by introducing a new $25 ticket price for the vast majority of shows. The idea behind the new pricing is to make art more accessible and affordable; to offer greater flexibility to people who want to sample the work of unfamiliar artists; and to support a strong sense of community around the shared experience of art at a time when Durham is undergoing rapid change. It our hope that this initiative will induce patrons to attend not only more live performance, but to stretch their comfort zone.
There will be a select quantity of shows where tickets will be priced above $25; these shows feature above-the-marquee artists who we have good confidence will fill the venues at which they’re offered. Even with these more costly presentations, we believe that the pricing will still be affordable and that the performances will be extraordinary.