Dear Friends of CVNC:

Donations from our readers are an important part of our success as we continue to expand our work of providing professional arts criticism and increase the detailed listings in our calendar. This year is no different.

We want you to know some of the things we have accomplished because of the generosity of readers:

We continue to upgrade our website. The improved design and the underlying databases allow us to work more efficiently while expanding our calendar and review services. Please give us feedback on the changes!

Our calendar listed 3,040  unique events with start dates in 2012 (representing 6,509 actual performances), with more coming in each day. These listings tell of great opportunities offered by artists and organizations in NC.

This calendar year we will post 509 reviews. Contributions help us pay our editors and contracted writers as we provide a professional arts journal. As print media continue to reduce coverage, CVNC has expanded while maintaining high editorial standards.

We have added visual arts exhibitions and openings to our calendars and have began reviewing them in the fall. If you value our visual arts work, be sure to let galleries and museums know that you want them to work with us.

Our intern program for aspiring arts journalists continues to thrive. At schools across the state, we are identifying promising students who will join the ranks of the next generation of arts writers and consumers.

We have added new staff and contracted critics. While John Lambert has retired from his full-time responsibilities with CVNC, he continues to help us with our assignment calendar – who else knows so much about the arts across North Carolina!  We’ve added a new staff member as Calendar and Theatre Editor.  We also have added new writers and will continue to do so as we cover more events across NC.

We do all of this on a total budget of less than $100,000.  Nearly 65% of that comes as direct donations from people like you, another 18% from grants, and 11% from ad sales.  So you see, your donation, no matter how large or small, is important to us. 

Please consider making a donation to help sustain CVNC‘s continuing services to the arts in North Carolina. All gifts help – no gift is too small. We absolutely cannot do this work without you. May we count on your support in the form of a tax-deductible contribution? Click here for a form to include with your gift or click on the DONATE button on the right to give via credit card.

NOTE:  Contributions postmarked by December 31, 2012 will count as 2012 donations even if we do not receive them before 2013.  Now is the time!