Milestone or millstone? There is a difference – and we opt for the former. The milestone in this instance is 10,000 events and counting – 10,000 events we have listed for the arts community in CVNC‘s calendar since we upgraded this website to include its relational database that lets us tie previews to events and events to reviews. Since the summer of 2010, that is. Just three years. Who says there’s nothing going on? Who says there’s nothing to do? We know better! And we know we’re listing only some – not nearly all – of the arts events given in this state. There’s no charge. There are no forms to fill out, no online blocks to key. Just send us the basics, in an email or a simple Word attachment – who, what, where, when, how much, & contact info. Details are linked from the top of our calendar page. Do it when you announce your season. Tell us as far ahead as you know. We have events listed now that run as far out as next August. Tell presenters whose offerings are not here how easy it is. Spread the word. 10,000 events? Wow! Thank you, Matthew Hager and your calendar-event-keying predecessors – since the summer of 2001!