This preview has been provided by Women’s Voices Chorus.

On Sunday, May 7, at 3:00 p.m., Women’s Voices Chorus will present Bridge of Songs at University United Methodist Church, Chapel Hill.

Many borders mark our world: those between nations and between youth and experience, slavery and freedom, life and death. How do we cross over? In answering, the chorus will sing music from North America and Northern Europe.

Russian giants Rachmaninoff and Tschesnokoff will be featured, along with Veljo Tormis, who propelled Estonia’s “Singing Revolution,” and Pēteris Vasks, who fuses Latvian folk music with contemporary sounds. Also on the program are American composers Alice Parker, Rosephanye Powell, and Lana Walter. Walter will attend the concert after working directly with the chorus on her “Lux Aeterna.”

WVC’s last performance was standing room only, so buy your tickets early: $5 for students and $15 for adults. They can be purchased at the door or online at Free childcare will be provided at the concert, though space is limited. Send the names and ages of children needing coverage to

Presenting programs of “fascinating diversity” with “a gorgeous sound” and “inspirational leadership,” Women’s Voices Chorus is the premier Triangle chorus for sopranos and altos. Its seventy members perform a unique repertoire, bringing to life a wide range of choral music written by and for women. (Review quotes from Ken Hoover,, April 2015)