Holding Talks (Rotimi Foundation, 8:15 p.m. March 10-13 and 3:15 p.m. March 14 at Manbites Dog Theater, 703 Foster St., Durham, NC) is an encore presentation of a short Absurdist drama by Nigerian playwright Ola Rotimi (1938-2000). Originally presented Feb. 25-27 by the Duke University Institute of the Arts, this Rotimi Foundation production will be repeated at Manbites Dog as part of the theater’s Other Voices Series. “By turns funny and infuriating, Holding Talks is a play in which nothing gets done,” according to Manbites Dog preshow publicity. “Things almost get done, but in the end, nothing gets done…. [Holding Talks is] a small masterpiece by… one of contemporary Africa’s greatest writers and directors. His works, including such diverse genres as tragedies, comedies, historical drama, children’s drama, and dance, are performed and produced around the world.” For more information, visit http://www.manbitesdogtheater.org/2/. For tickets, telephone 919/682-3343 or visit http://www.tix.com/Schedule.asp?OrganizationNumber=150 [inactive 8/04].