Belmont Abbey – Arts at the Abbey: Celebrating Scarlatti with Carolina Pro Musica

Abbey Basilica 100 Belmont Mount Holly Road, Belmont, NC, United States

Period instrument ensemble Carolina Pro Musica celebrates Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725). An innovator, he wrote operas and hundreds of cantatas. His opera overture form led to the symphony. Music with strings, flute, oboe, harpsichord and voice. Janelle Davis, David Wilson, violins and Sung Lee, baroque oboe and flute join in. Free / donations accepted In-person & live stream (https:


Belmont Abbey – Arts at the Abbey: Spring Concert

Abbey Basilica 100 Belmont Mount Holly Road, Belmont, NC, United States

Abbey Schola, Abbey Chorus, and instrumental students celebrate the close of the academic year. Admission: Free / Donations accepted in person & live stream (https://www,