This preview provided by Carolina Pro Musica.

Carolina Pro Musica opens Season 40 with works by Bach & Telemann. The highlight is the entire Bach Cantata 152 Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn (Step upon the path of Faith). This chamber cantata is for musical forces are pared down to two singers, two woodwinds, one rare string and continuo. An intimate work, it was first performed in 1714 at the schlosskirche (palace church) of the co-reigning dukes of Saxe-Weimar. At that time Bach, concertmaster of the Weimar court capelle, was responsible for new works especially cantatas. The cantata text, written by Salomon Franck the Weimar court poet, conveys the idea that God lays the stone foundation of faith. Jesus is a ‘gem’ stone treasured above all others and that the Soul (and the hearers of the cantata) should get on the path and follow Jesus. There may be stumbling blocks along the way but the choice of the path leads to joy in the end. This work concludes with a dialogue between Jesus and the Soul, Bach’s first use of such a device.

Carolina Pro Musica has engaged Alicia Chapman, baroque oboe, of Boone and Allison Willet, viola d’amore of Raleigh to fill out Bach’s required instrumental forces. Other musicians are regular members of the ensemble along with Charlotte-based guest artist Carl DuPont of the UNC-Charlotte voice faculty.

The concert includes another duet for soprano and bass in the form of a dialogue from Cantata 140 which Bach wrote in Leipzig and performed in 1731. Everyone will have a chance to compare Bach at age 29 and 46.

On the program will be Telemann’s “Concerto” in a minor TWV 43:a3 for recorder, oboe, violin and continuo. This unique work, though called concerto, has no accompanying strings. It features each of the three solo instruments showing virtuosity and allowing for creative embellishment of the musical lines.

The concert is on the right path for lovers of 18th century music as the 40th season begins.

Carolina Pro Musica

The Path of Faith

September 9, 2017 8:00 pm

Sharon Presbyterian, Chapel
5201 Sharon Rd. Charlotte 28210

September 10, 2017 at 3:00 pm

Arts at the Abbey
Belmont Abbey Basilica
100 Belmont-Mt. Holly Rd
Belmont NC 28012