Reprinted as a service to ArtsNC and the greater community:
“On March 30, the Arts North Carolina Board met and discussed our organization’s response to HB2. It was determined that our core mission and vision statements unanimously adopted in 2014 clearly state our position of commitment to inclusion, diversity, and access:
“ARTS North Carolina calls for equity and access to the arts for all North Carolinians, unifies and connects North Carolina’s arts communities, and fosters arts leadership. We speak for the arts wherever there is need. Arts North Carolina unites people and communities to strengthen and celebrate a creative North Carolina. We strive to create a vibrant North Carolina where the arts are embraced by all as indispensable.
“Or simply put: all the arts, for all the people, in every place.
“The outpouring of protest will possibly result in a reconsideration of HB2 when session convenes on April 25. Arts North Carolina seeks to gather as many facts as the industry can give us that illustrate economic, education, or civic impact of HB2. A special shout out to North Carolina Theatre Conference, John C. Campbell Folk School, Full Frame Documentary, Lee Street Theatre, and American Dance Festival for your work in gathering audience and donor responses.
“Please send any specific information you might have to”
And we concurrently invite organizations listed above and others reading this post that may not be sharing event listings with CVNC to do so, starting now. For instructions, click here.
And finally, if HB2 had affected your current calendar listings on, please send any event corrections to