The Rainmaker, by N. Richard Nash, challenges us to take a leap of faith in unusual opportunities. It tells the story of a hot summer day amidst a drought where a plain girl named Lizzie has an ongoing struggle to find a husband. That night, a mysterious con-man named Starbuck shows up at the door of her family farm with the promise to conjure up rain in exchange for one hundred dollars. Despite his claim seeming like a scam, Starbuck is able to win over Lizzie and her family in unexpected ways.
December 5 – December 22, 2024; Thursdays through Saturdays at 7:30pm, Sundays at 2pm.
All tickets are $30, or $25 for seniors (65+), or $20 (students, teachers, active
military). People 18 and under can get a ticket for any performance for $5.
Friday, December 6th is ‘College Night’, with $5 tickets for college students with a valid
ID. Sunday, December 8th is ‘Pay What You Will’ day.